1. Intro to Positive Parenting Course

2. Child vs Adult thinking

3. Types of Parenting psychology

4. Child Psychology

5. Proactive Parenting

6. Act of Participation

7. Act of Encouragement

8. Both sides of brain

9. Brain lobes

10. How we learn

11. Identifying and connecting with children

12. Role modeling

13. Intro to act of adjustment

14. Action plan

15. Balancing facilities and responsibilities

16. Laser focus technique

17. Divide and rule

18. Less is more – more is less

19. Intro to professional enrichment

20. Elements of professional success

21. Career and career process

22. Understanding the age groups

23. Intro to management

24. Time management intro

25. Plan one day before

26. Prioritizing works

27. Reducing screen time

28. Give pocket income

29. Investing and helping others

30. What to eat and what not

31. Exercise

32. Device free dinner and drinking water

33. Intro to Act of balance

34. Parenting in religious books

35. Dos & Donts in first five years

36. Six to Ten years

37. Teenage parenting

38. Giving positive excitements

39. Third party help

40. Parenting after sixteen

41. Summary of the course

42. InSight

Positive Parenting Daily Meditation

Child vs Adult thinking
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